上海金畔生物科技有限公司提供Nippon Genetics FG-TP-200 FastGene Filter Tips 200 µl (10 racks with 96 tips) 10 racks with 96 tips,欢迎访问官网了解更多产品信息和订购
Nippon Genetics FG-TP-200 FastGene Filter Tips 200 µl (10 racks with 96 tips) 10 racks with 96 tips 833.00
Nippon Genetics FG-TP-20 FastGene Filter Tips 20 µl (10 racks with 96 tips) 10 racks with 96 tips 833.00
Nippon Genetics FG-TP-10L FastGene Filter Tips 10 µl long (10 racks with 96 tips) 10 racks with 96 tips 833.00
Nippon Genetics FG-TP-1000 FastGene Filter Tips 1000 µl (10 racks with 96 tips) 10 racks with 96 tips 981.00
Nippon Genetics FG-TP-100 FastGene Filter Tips 100 µl (10 racks with 96 tips) 10 racks with 96 tips 833.00
Nippon Genetics FG-TP-10 FastGene Filter Tips 10 µl short (10 racks with 96 tips) 10 racks with 96 tips 833.00
Nippon Genetics FG-TC01 FastGene Ultra Cycler Gradient (96-well) 96-well 52725.00
Nippon Genetics FG-TaqI FastGene Restriction Enzyme Taq I (4000 U) 4000 U 419.00
Nippon Genetics FG-T4HC FastGene T4 DNA Ligase (100.000 U) 100.000 U 2176.00
Nippon Genetics FG-T4BP FastGene T4 DNA Ligase (100.000 U) 100.000 U 2176.00
Nippon Genetics FG-T4 FastGene T4 DNA Ligase (20.000 U) 20.000 U 583.00
Nippon Genetics FG-SwaI FastGene Restriction Enzyme Swa I (2000 U) 2000 U 377.00
Nippon Genetics FG-StyD4I FastGene Restriction Enzyme StyD4 I (200 U) 200 U 505.00
Nippon Genetics FG-StuI FastGene Restriction Enzyme Stu I (1000 U) 1000 U 377.00
Nippon Genetics FG-SspI FastGene Restriction Enzyme Ssp I (1000 U) 1000 U 505.00
Nippon Genetics FG-SSMAG96SLV FastGene Magna Stand for 96well PCR plate for Low Volume 23865.00
Nippon Genetics FG-SSMAG96 FastGene MagnaStand 96 17927.00
Nippon Genetics FG-SSMAG2 FastGene MagnaStand 0.2 6623.00
Nippon Genetics FG-SSMAG1.5 FastGene MagnaStand 1.5 9361.00
Nippon Genetics FG-Sse9I FastGene Restriction Enzyme Sse9 I (500 U) 500 U 503.00