日本同仁化学Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒Capillary Cutting Stone™/HR4-334| DOJINDO

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Products > Capillaries, Mounts & Supplies > Capillaries > Capillary Cutting Stone™

Capillary Cutting Stone™

Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒Capillary Cutting Stone™/HR4-334
Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒Capillary Cutting Stone™/HR4-334




Capillary Cutting Stone






  • The easiest way to cut capillaries
  • 切割毛细血管的最简单方法


  • Score and snap.
  • Ceramic cutting stone
  • 得分和快照。


These small (25 mm x 25 mm x 0.65 mm) cutting stones are used to make clean cuts of glass and quartz capillaries. Use the edge of the stone to etch the capillary then gently snap the capillary in two. This is useful for cutting the tips off closed capillaries used for mounting single crystals for x-ray diffraction analysis or for cutting capillaries to the desired length.

Capillary Cutting Procedure

1. Gently place the capillary on a clean, flat surface.
2. Gently holding the stone at approximately 30° angle to the capillary tube, starting near one edge of the stone, proceeding in a single, smooth motion, draw the length of the non-serrated edge of the stone across the capillary one time . Apply just enough pressure to score the capillary, do not attempt to cut through the capillary.
3. Pull the capillary axially until it breaks. If it won’t break, the score was not deep enough. Repeat the above steps, pressing down with slightly more force while drawing the cleaving stone the capillary.
4. Once cut, inspect the end finish to ensure the cut quality meets the application requirements.

这些小的(25 毫米 x 25 毫米 x 0.65 毫米)切割石用于对玻璃和石英毛细管进行干净的切割。使用石头的边缘蚀刻毛细管,然后轻轻地将毛细管一分为二。这对于切割封闭毛细管的尖端非常有用,这些封闭毛细管用于安装单晶以进行 X 射线衍射分析或将毛细管切割成所需的长度。


1. 轻轻地将毛细管放在干净、平坦的表面上。
2. 以与毛细管成约 30° 角的方式轻轻握住石头,从靠近石头的一个边缘开始,以单一、平滑的动作进行,将石头的非锯齿边缘的长度拉过毛细管一次。施加足够的压力来刻划毛细管,不要试图切穿毛细管。
3. 轴向拉动毛细管直至其断裂。如果它不会打破,那么分数还不够深。重复上述步骤,在将切割石拉入毛细管的同时稍微用力向下按压。
4. 切割后,检查端部光洁度,确保切割质量符合应用要求。
HR4-334 Capillary Cutting Stone


  • Glass Number 50 Capillaries
  • Special Glass 10 Capillaries
  • Quartz Capillaries
  • 玻璃编号 50 毛细管
    特殊玻璃 10 毛细管