日本同仁化学Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒Parabar 10312 (previously known as Paratone)| DOJINDO

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Products > Optimize Reagents > Optimize – Cryoprotectants > Parabar 10312 (previously known as Paratone)

Parabar 10312 (previously known as Paratone)


  • Oil based cryoprotectant


  • Synonyms used in the crystallographic literature: Paratone® N, Paratone® 8277, Infineum V8512
  • Oil based cryoprotectant


Sorry, Parabar 10312 is no longer available.  We’ve left this page up for reference only.  See HR2-861 Santovac Cryo Oil as a possible substitute.

抱歉,Parabar 10312 不再可用。 我们保留此页面仅供参考。 请参阅 HR2-861 Santovac Cryo Oil 作为可能的替代品。

Parabar 10312 is a viscous cryoprotectant for both small and large molecule crystallography.1

Mildly air-unstable, small molecule compounds can be coated with Parabar under an inert atmosphere. The Parabar protected crystal sample can be cryocooled in a chilled nitrogen gas stream. Parabar has also been used successfully as a cryoprotectant for biological macromolecule crystals. Used during cryocrystallography to displace and reduce the amount of water (mother liquor, reagent) on the crystal after the crystal is mounted in a cryoloop. Coating the crystal with Parabar can minimize evaporation from the crystal and reduce exposure and slow diffusion of air (oxygen) to the crystal.

HR2-643 Parabar 10312 is no longer available and has been discontinued effective May 11, 2021.

HR2-862 Parabar 10312 is supplied as 5 ml in an amber glass vial with glass applicator rod in screw cap lid.

The viscosity of Parabar can be reduced to improve handling with fragile needle and blade crystals by mixing 50:50 with Paraffin Oil.

Parabar is a blend of polyisobutylenes with a Staudinger molecular weight of about 20,000 and contains about 20% polymer.

Refractive index 1.48487 at 20°C.

Kinematic viscosity 641 cSt at 100°C. Kinematic viscosity ratio 2.05 at 100°C.

Clear to slightly hazy is appearance.

Synonyms used in the crystallographic literature: Paratone® N, Paratone® 8277, Infineum V8512.

Paratone® is a registered trademark of Chevron Corporation.

Parabar 10312 是一种粘性冷冻保护剂,适用于小分子和大分子晶体学。 1

可以在惰性气氛下用 Parabar 包覆对空气轻微不稳定的小分子化合物。 Parabar 保护的晶体样品可以在冷冻氮气流中进行低温冷却。 Parabar 也已成功用作生物大分子晶体的冷冻保护剂。在晶体安装在低温回路中后,在低温晶体学期间用于置换和减少晶体上的水(母液、试剂)量。用 Parabar 涂覆晶体可以最大限度地减少晶体的蒸发,并减少空气(氧气)向晶体的暴露和缓慢扩散。

HR2-643 Parabar 10312 不再可用,自 2021 年 5 月 11 日起停产。

HR2-862 Parabar 10312 以 5 ml 装在琥珀色玻璃小瓶中,螺旋盖盖中带有玻璃涂抹棒。

通过将 50:50 与石蜡油混合,可以降低 Parabar 的粘度,以改善易碎针状和刀片状晶体的处理。

Parabar 是聚异丁烯的混合物,Staudinger 分子量约为 20,000,含有约 20% 的聚合物。

20°C 时的折射率为 1.48487。

100°C 时运动粘度为 641 cSt。 100°C 时运动粘度比为 2.05。


晶体学文献中使用的同义词:Paratone® N、Paratone® 8277、润英联 V8512。

Paratone® 是雪佛龙公司的注册商标。

Parabar 10312

Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒Parabar 10312 (previously known as Paratone)
Hampton蛋白结晶试剂盒Parabar 10312 (previously known as Paratone)


  • Perfluoropolyether Cryo Oil
  • Santovac Cryo Oil
  • 全氟聚醚冷冻油
    Santovac 冷冻油


1. H. Hope, Cryocrystallography of biological macromolecules: a generally applicable method. Acta Cryst. (1988) B44, 22-26.

2. Structure of the ligand-binding domain (LBD) of human androgen receptor in complex with a selective modulator LGD2226. F. Wang, X.- Liu, H. Li, K.- Liang, J. N. Miner, M. Hong, E. A. Kallel, A. van Oeveren, L. Zhi and T. Jiang. Acta Cryst. (2006). F62, 1067-1071.

3. H. Hope, Annu. Rev. Biophys. Chem. 1990 19:107-126.

4. S. Parkin and H. Hope, J. Appl. Cryst. (1998) pages 945-953.

1. H. Hope,生物大分子的低温晶体学:一种普遍适用的方法。 晶体学报。 (1988) B44,22-26。

2. 与选择性调节剂 LGD2226 复合的人雄激素受体的配体结合域 (LBD) 的结构。 F. Wang, X.- Liu, H. Li, K.- Liang, J. N. Miner, M. Hong, E. A. Kallel, A. van Oeveren, L. Zhi 和 T. Jiang。 晶体学报。 (2006 年)。 F62, 1067-1071。

3. H.霍普,安努。 牧师生物物理学。 化学。 1990 年 19:107-126。

4. S. Parkin 和 H. Hope,J. Appl。 水晶。 (1998) 第 945-953 页。